Inspiring For Excellence
As I reflect on our culture and its intertwined political, economic, and social systems, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by questions-- What does it truly mean to "do good”? Does striving for goodness even matter anymore? Has the ultimate goal become the pursuit of power, the maintenance of influence, or the acquisition of wealth at any cost? If we look at current trends, listen to popular talk shows, or follow the voices of political figures and pundits, it might seem easy to answer “yes” to these questions.
But God calls us to something greater!
Ephesians 2:10 offers a transformative perspective: you and I are God’s masterpieces, created with intentionality and love for a higher purpose—to do good works. The educator and author Michael Fullan, in his book Leading in a Culture of Change, describes this mission as “moral purpose.” Moral purpose, at its core, is the commitment to take meaningful action that improves the lives of others. It’s about aligning moral intent with effective execution to bring about positive change.
God not only calls us; He equips us to do good—to make a difference in the lives of others. There are challenges in the world today that you were uniquely designed and prepared to address. Don’t let societal trends or the negative actions of others discourage you from fulfilling your purpose. Many people need the unique gifts and abilities God has entrusted to you!
Paul’s teaching is clear—God has made each of us with a specific function, assignment or gift for the purpose of serving the entire body of Believers. In the same manner that no part of our physical body can operate effectively solo, we each have a role to play.
Ask yourself, “What is your gift?” “What is your role in the body?” When you determine that answer through prayer, study of scripture and noticing where your passions to serve lie, do that with power, clarity, and purpose, glorifying God as you live out my calling. The body and the world will automatically benefit when you live out your calling.
Personal Prayer…
Lord, thank You for reminding me that my gifts point me to my purpose in the Body of Christ--the church. Wherever I serve in the body, my gifts, and consequently, my purpose from You, remain the same. Give me discernment and guidance in how I am to serve. You have already shown me who I am and what to do. Guide me in the “when” and “how” that I may effectively serve others! In Jesus' name. Amen.
Transform, Don’t Conform!
It's an old but effective example.
The caterpillar is designed to transform into a butterfly. Its entire life experience as a caterpillar sets the stage for the transformation to come. When the transformation occurs, flight is possible!
Don’t be discouraged by your current experiences! Learn to see God’s hand at work. Anticipate the “you” that the Word of God describes. See yourself the way that God sees you—ultimately made in His image and likeness!
It can be difficult to shut out all of the noise and confusion of our daily life. Everyone has an opinion, and most opinions seem to be shared at the loudest volume level possible. Given this reality, it is more critical than ever to hear the words of James--
Listen deeply. Speak with intentionality and thoughtfulness. Control your responses.
We are not slaves to our impulses. We are not captive to negative thought--unless we yield to those thoughts.
We have the power to be the voice that brings clarity to confusion when we allow God's Spirit to speak through us. Let's embrace the opportunities we have to bring a calm spirit and voice to a chaotic world.
Lord, thank You for the power You have given us to intentionally Listen, Learn, and Act each day of our life. Teach us how to hear Your voice amid the noise. Give us a heart to obey Your Spirit as we interact with others.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.